Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pass and move

aww my last night in the dirty south :( I managed to go and watch the LSU Tigers scrimmage tonight all part of my new goal to learn about women's soccer. What I learned was "pass and move". New mantra PASS AND MOVE.

Like last year, I absolutely loved my time here just head over heels - the people, the environment, the weather, the food - exactly what I needed for right now. I am where I am supposed to be and it feels great. I am leaving empowered, energized and tanned :p. Spending time with TBouds and ICarly is in itself a welcome opportunity that I relished even if they took me to a crazy town cult. I finally found a purpose with them other then ensuring there is hard boiled eggs - popcorn maker. Next I might even turn on the oven and make a roast but not in this bloody heat.

In the days events, I attended a press conference with TBouds as their couch laid out what their expectations are this season. One of the key messages delivered was the importance of the three senior Canadian team members on the team, his actual words "three of the best youth soccer players has Canada has produced in the last five years". Um big surprise I wanted to say excuse me coach we have a few things you might want to reproduce....just sayin. Anyway, I was impressed at the media turnout all the majors, locals and ESPN. And they interviewed TBouds about what her experience has been in Louisiana. TBouds handled herself like a pro, was engaging and clearly articulated the upcoming season. For those of you on Facebook you can like the LSU Soccer page and stay on top of the how things are going.

ICarly also took me to the LSU Tigers football stadium and um holy macarena its seats 92 000 people. Um really and it sells out every game. Standing in an empty stadium that seats that many people I was like omd this is like Any Given Sunday. I wanted to run on the field and yell around but I was not to take one step on the grass.

All in all it really gave perspective to the importance of sports at the college level and what it brings to the athletes in terms of confidence, growth and independence. BTW TBouds and ICarly's roommate, Tex, is a leader in kill shots for the LSU women's volleyball team. My paltry 5 km run everyday didn't cut the snuff. TBouds top 100 draft pick potential, ICarly leading scorer and Tex leader in kill shots - no shit pass and move.

Tomorrow I am off to Nashville for the weekend to meet some friends to take in the country music scene and think that will be pretty damn stellar and I fully expect to see Taylor Swift. I am sure we will duet "Love Story" at the Stage. Likely another career opportunity. I will probably belt out a tune at a karaoke, ya know the ones where the tv is outside on the street and wow the crowd inside and out. Let's not be modest here.

But first stop Lynchburg, Tennessee to visit my friend Jack :p

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