Friday, August 5, 2011

2652 kms thats the magic number

There, not there and back yet but there. Shit what a long ass haul today and what was up with the tropical downpour for 7 of the 13 hours? Really not necessary, whatevs, I rolled up to LSUlike i was in my senior year ready to rule the school.

But first the day, started out with just a rank fire alarm at 05.30, ha my first thought was really and ready to rip the door open and yell around, but then I remembered grade 3 and was like oh is the door handle hot (it wasn't) needless to say I got up and rather then jumping in the shower and on the road I made the wide choice to watch Loverboy. Yeah Loverboy the 1989 classic with Patrick Dempsey as a gigolo. Classic. I am glad I dedicated 60 minutes. I feel like it was the equivalent of reading Romeo and Juliet in old English......

Wilson and I would like to take this opportunity right now to point out to any American's that may be reading this you people have to be the stupidest, most selfish drivers, no really. I don't think driving is that hard but you guys manage to make it difficult. I will share a secret with you - left lane faster, right line slower. Easy peasy try it out. When you look in that thing that is to the right of you on the windshield (its the rearview) and you see someone right behind you, move. Pretty straightforward. Also pay more taxes its just that simple.

So in other things learnt today, Loretta Lynn Ranch (one of the most visited attractions in Tennessee) hosts the AMA Amateur National Motocross Championship (sponsored by Red Bull btw). Its a six day motocross summer vacation that assembles 42 riders in 34 classes based on age, skill and displacement (I stole that). Anyway, I saw a sign that said Loretta Lynn Ranch and who doesn't love coal miners daughter? So I pulled in and holy guacamole fields, seriously fields (plural) of RV's. I was like what the hell JACKPOT. Free redbull, motocross racers and Loretta Lynn playing in the background? Who needs Baton Rouge, meh. As I walked around the ranch I was all I could do not to yell around "dew, dew". hahahaha

After that stop I decided there would be no more stops, only gas and if necessary washroom. Time is money damn it and I need to make some. So I threw on the tunes and drove like Ricky Bobby, not even lying. I decided two things, I still support nuclear power (duh don't build a reactor on a fault line) and I am getting a new tattoo, or rather an addition to my tat from last summer. I haven't figured out how yet but def gonna do it. Another tat in the dirty south, T Bouds is gonna do it with me too and hell maybe even ICarly will jump in the action. In any case, I had been thinking for about 8 months on what and where and finally it came to me on I55S where all epiphanies happen logically. Maybe peeps from the Liberal Party ought to spend some time here thinking, contemplating….just sayin.

I made my grand entrance into Baton Rouge at 20.15 pm and immediately knew exactly where to go just by instinct, okay I didn’t. But I did remember Boutin Balls (idk what they are so don’t ask they are just scrumptious, mmmmm Louisiana peeps you make some good food and after 2652 kms in 37 hours I so didn’t care the name of the delicious dish. So now starts my official just chill the fox out - read, sleep, run, sweat, eat, walk, sleep, sweat. Glorious.

I only have two to do’s while I am here – go to Church on Sunday and a tattoo. I like to keep it simple.

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