Tuesday, August 9, 2011

the calories from a big mac can power a car for 88 miles...just sayin

32 degrees this morning, that's jacket weather; like who ordered the snow. Thankfully by noon it was 40 degrees and all was restored to the natural universe. I forgot to mention in my Sunday blog that I had to call my mom to ask her how to boil eggs, true story. And btw I did it wrong - who knew you had to put the eggs in the water and then start to boil....who knew I ask? ICarly knew and didn't say a bloody word until the end when she made some thoughtful suggestions. Yeah love her. I made eggs the next day and accordingto ICarly aka Wolfgang Puck I needed to leave them longer....however today was SUCCESS. Therefore for anyone that visits or invites me to any potlucks my stable will be to bring hard boiled eggs. I am looking forward to the influx of invitations.

In pretty damn amazing news, TBouds was named as top 100 prospect to the 2012 women's professional soccer league draft. UM WAY TO GO HOMEY!!! Super proud of TBouds like I was woohooing around the house. TBouds on the other hand, kept reading the article over and over in disbelief while ICarly and I are doing happy dances all over. ICarly is not without her own recognition as she is top scorer for LSU. Like imma chillen with superstars lucky I add to it.I noted TBouds and ICarly are going to need an agent. So I casually said Jerry Maguire to which TBouds roomie Tex said "who's Jerry Maguire?" and I just aged. Thanks Tex.

I will be their Ari Gold. I am going to learn all about women's soccer like did you know its not a soccer field its a pitch. When I get home I will re-watch Bend It Like Beckham I expect from there it will be gravy "What happened to Jasminda's shoes?"

While Sunday Funday was no phone day, yesterday was don't leave the house day and I loved it. I was ridiculous about my hermit mode. I ventured out to do my run and get margaritas to go (brilliant idea btw).

Today was different, after top 100 TBouds was announced the family started sending in orders for LSU gear. So off I went to shop, for those of you who know me I despise shopping, like really hate it. And to shop in 110 heat um harsh. But in between my shopping excursions I went to my tattoo appointment. This time the meaning behind the design, the design that forever mars my body and risk disease (according to my sister), is about my three nieces. So I added to the olive branch I got last year with three birds (just outlines with some colour in the wing that reps the colours they were given). Those kids, despite what I may tease em about, bring peace, tranquility and stability to me and believe me I need it. Plus I am the only auntie/uncle to rep them so that's got get me some street cred when I am older and need it.

The tattoo store owner recommended voodoo bbq for supper and man alive that has been the best meal I have had in Baton Rouge yet. Oh. My. God (that is for the Bethany Church readers) it was freakin amazing. Best bbq ever with just a ridiculous amount of spice added MOUTH ON FIRE. Whomever is in Baton Rouge def a must go to.

For those of you who read last year, a lot of the nights focused on MTV and the intellectual shows they have produced and this year is no different. As we speak we are watching the new Teen Mom (insert giddy laughter here) but as a shift I made popcorn on the stove which ICarly and TBouds have called it Indian Popcorn - I think cuz an Indian made it otherwise not sure how it became Indian Popcorn. So as I sit and type its quiet save for the typing on the keyboard which every few moments gains me dirty looks.

It suxs to know that in two sleeps I will begin the journey back as I have completely without a doubt enjoyed my time here and loved spending time with TBouds and ICarly. For two women that are embarking on their lives they display such intellect, independence, fearlessness, and kindness that at 21 I know I did not have. I would also like some of TBoud's clothes. So to you two creepers that are reading this - I love ya and to your families - outstanding and thank you.

Tomorrow I will probably drink as much red bull as possible just to spite ICarly, kidding, I am going to take some pics of the city as it is has such beautiful architecture. Yeah me and Brad Pitt tweet about architecture (I had to look up the spelling of the word). And I still haven't figured out how to post pics but damn it I will learn and maybe just maybe have some Cane's to munch on. Google Cane's just do it.

Until then - show me the money........

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