Thursday, August 4, 2011

Eat my dust, burn my rubber

True to form I did leave before 9 but not at 5 am, perfect even managed a bowl of cereal before I left, s m r t. As noted before I bought a huge tin of Tim Horton's coffee for my cousin and this can well, it has become my "wilson". It rides shotgun with me with a seatbelt, we chat about the endless corn fields in Ohio and who we can totally see why Children of the Corn came to fruition. But best of all, Timmy listens to me sing like I am on stage to a crowd of 38,000 and being broadcast live world wide just singing.

On that note, thank you thank you and thank you to my sister Bev for the satellite radio, will get materially recognized on this trip. I loved rolling up in Cincinnati listening to Shade 45 I totally fit in.

On the other hand I would like to find the creators of talk radio and give em a cuff upside the head....with a hammer. Like really its like everyone is entitled to my opinion, good grief and I don't think of the talkers were happy it was Obama's 50th bday today. (Wilson and I sang happy birthday.)

I made it to northern Kentucky which was my goal and if I get up early enough I should be able to hit Baton Rouge tomorrow night. Yes, yes and yes. Definitely winning and in time for the Jersey Shore premier I LOVE HOLIDAYS.

Nothing to report on the food -Applebees cha always gourmet and the weather is just regular Ottawa hot, not deep south hot yet, thats tomorrow just over the top excited

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