Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fearless - free from fear

I like that, I think I learn that everyday through life but really see it in action with my family and friends. I think we are all consumed by fear on various realms its how we deal with that fear do we let it win or do we move past it? I was scared to record a single in the Ryman Auditorium but I did - walked right up to the microphone and just nailed Friends in Low Places, okay I had to do it twice but Garth has nothing on me, nothing. Or going to the Titans game alone and having to walk over that bloody bridge to get to the stadium, terrified but I wasn't gonna let that stop me from doing something I wanted to do. This trip for instance, everyday I have to get on the road I am full of fear and worry but there are things to do to quell the fear and face it like don't stop at the unattended rest areas or the countless adult superstores....just saying. In any case my inner left wrist will remind me everyday to be fearless.

One of yesterday's highlights other then the recording session, the tattoo and the NFL pre season game was going to the Country Music Hall of Fame and spending an hour (shut up Tash I am sure she will point out I stood at one particular part of the exhibit for 45 minutes reading apparently you can access it on line) taking in the Williams Family exhibit. Man Hank and Hank Jr. thats quite the legacy hats off to you peeps and thanks for the being a key part of my upbringing. Pretty cool little place that was brought back a lot of Sunday mornings at Granny's old house.

Some people collect coins, stamps, bells, ya know, me? Me I collect foam fingers. I have four now. Red Soxs, LSU and Tennessee Titans and a special unique Bons one. On the way down I had Timmy Ho's as a my wilson, on the way back I have a LSU and Tennessee Titans foam fingers riding shot gun, every now and then I throw one of them on and just belt out country songs. The football game was pretty awesome, I met some good kind people which really has been my experience in the South good kind honest people. Its like utopia. For sure when I go back to South, thats a given, I def looking them up.

Today, today was all about God. My mom found a church for us girls to attend in Nashville and off we went in our Sunday best. Again this is where fear could have played us over but we were determined. We went to the Capers Memorial Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (its the oldest black baptist church in Nashville). We pulled up and I was like umm doesn't seem very big and when we walked it - it wasn't. It was a church that probably seated 200 people (not like that ridiculous cult last week robots for miles) and at today's service I counted about 90 people. We were the only non black people there and it was a bit intimidating because I didn't go there to exploit I went there to experience an excitement for spirituality. I had gone in Atlanta last year and still remember the feeling and the sermon (flip the script). So damn it I was going to find it again.

And this church was AWESOME. The service ended up being 3 hours and I probably won't have known but none of us ate before we went and about 2.5 hours it was like hmm is that my stomach (it was) but worth it. I think the most amusing part was the part of the service that recognizes guests. So like I said we were the only non-black people in the congregation, in Atlanta there was a mixture so I thought it would be similar. Anyway, we sat near the back and people kinda looked at us but went on with their service. So as the guest recognition is approaching Tash says Bonnie you and Penny are speaking for us and I was like what are you talking about? I thought okay. They had given us hello my name is tags - no really they did and of course we filled them out and put em on (bunch of nerds). Anyway the pastor says I think we will have our guests introduce themselves lets start on the left (we were in the middle). So the peeps to our left introduce themselves and then the pastor says "now in the middle the pretty girls in the back", too which, and I am not even lying we turned around and looked of course there was no one behind us and the pastor says "no you girls" and points to us and the whole congregation starts to laugh. Right, right us well I am Bonnie from Canada and after that it was all good.

We stayed right to the end and a lot of the parishioners came and thanked us for coming and invited us to stay for pizza and refreshments. It was an excellent way to finish my time in the South.

Someone asked me how my vacation was and I said "it was the right thing to do at a much needed time". I feel good about my decisions, feel good about myself and letting myself do things that made me feel a little fear and then to face it. So big ups to TBouds, ICarly, TexMex, Tash, Penny, Gail, Tracie and Joe I totally and absolutely without a doubt valued every minute spent, every experience and every fear faced. Thank you.

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