Saturday, August 13, 2011


Finally defined clearly as going to the Coyote Ugly bar in Nashville with your parents and participating in the fun. For example drawing the dirtiest picture on the bar in chalk ... does anyone really want to know what their parents consider dirty? Or having your mom get up on the bar and dance while your dad mimics the same moves all the while you are recording on your camera...yeah I am gonna say that would be mawkward. FYI I drew a couple in a mud bath - get it - dirty. The father drew, well I don't even want to write it down just inapp.

The Ryman hey, kinda big deal so me being there was like an even bigger deal. I gotta go back today and record a record and I am not even kidding of course my first 10 fans will get a copy free. Just fb me.

I have been appreciating the night life in Nashville, always enjoy a cold glass of water and some country music playing quietly in the background. But tonight imma shake it up and see if I can get a ticket to the Titans/Vikings pre season game. I guess I will check out this tailgating phenomenon, I am sure it will be just a couple cars in the parking lot :) waa I will probably be married by the end of the night. Some nice gentleman named Beau who has his own double wide in Butcher Holler and of course a chevy pick up.

Then Church tomorrow, man I love the south.

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