Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tis the life

This vacationing thing I had forgotten how awesome it is.....def getting used to these stellar days of just justing. Let's start with my old best friend who I had forgotten about, the sun. Man it is sooo sweet to feel the heat when you walk out the door. Just how I imagine a dryer would feel without the tumblin. Today was only 36 out so I thought a nice walk around the lakes in the city would be nice, the lakes are surrounded by beautiful homes the standard southern type homes. I will endeavour to take pictures (very poor picture taker). I did make a wrong turn and my cousin Taryne informed me I was in the ghetto, well sweetheart I say check out the rez cux those houses weren't too bad, certainly not like the ones I saw in Nashville or Birmingham.

I did drive thru of the downtown area and def gonna go walk there on thursday and dig around. I noted there is a casino that is on a boat that goes up the Mississippi (ah the mighty mississipp) and I may check that out depending on their rules on capping bets.....i jest i jest.

Totally lovin this city though so chill and all friendly. Taryne encouraged me to try shrimp/crab cakes (even though thats reserved for Maryland - ha shout out to Wedding Crashers cuz that's how I roll) and fried green tomatoes......hmmmmmm on both counts. I also tried Cane's which is unique to the South and I gotta say that dipping sauce is the da bomb. I am gonna buy some of the spices and dips so I can get someone to cook for me.

Tomorrow Taryne and I are going to check out a plantation but not one that is know for being haunted as Taryne has flat out refused.... well maybe she can be convinced...with a little prodding. BOO

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