I have packed up and said goodbye to the girls. I should note that I have been staying just off campus with Taryne's teammates - 7 of them. AAh there's nothing like staying with 7 19-20 years olds to make one smile. All of the girls are from the South except for Taryne and each of them are so kind and polite, so thoughtful and so messy haha. Coming from an OCD approach to house cleaning this was a good break from my comfort box (ha Taryne told her friend Carly get out of your comfort box - hmmm or zone lol).
They are off to play their first game of the season in Austin tomorrow and left at 7.30 am but last night there was lots of giggle fits and singing before bed. Generally the girls have practice at 5 30 am and are in bed by 10 pm but last night lights didn't go out until 1 and not before there was a healthy discussion of politics, soccer and you guessed it boys. It was pretty interesting being 36 and listening to the 20 year olds talking probably about the same things 47 year olds talk about. And so it goes.
Taryne wow what a lady. I have the advantage (disadvantage?) of having watched her grow from a baby to a young adult to an independent woman. I have know Taryne forever literally, her mother (my cousin) and I started hanging out around when the girls (Deidre and Taryne and then of course Chels :p) were older but I remember the girls when they were young, thanks to Kaila :). Of course being 17 yrs older we didn't really 'hang out' but kept in touch through her parents and of all the achievements and of course the latest advent of Facebook.
So coming down here I wasn't sure what to expect, ya know. Maybe i would stay a couple days and that would be enough but that wasn't the case I really enjoyed getting to know Taryne as an adult and her insight on all kinds of things. She is extremely polite yet is not a pushover, which when one is 3500 kms from home is impressive. I appreciated her candour and her ability to laugh and most impressive was her love for the game of soccer. She would introduce me as her cousin from Canada who is really smart (I beg to differ), works in politics and lives away from home and has travelled all of the place by myself and as a result is cool (again different opinions). Thing is I find Taryne cool pursuing her dream, her love despite the distance from family and comfort. To me she displays all the attributes of a leader and coolness.
Which leads me to think about my extended family and how proud of all of them I am really all doing our thing yet keeping loosely in touch (again thank you facebook) and thankful for the events that bring us together (the latest epic event Alanis' wedding) and the smile it brings when I think of the laughter, support and love we bring each other despite some of the kookiness. So to mushoom august and kokum rose thank you.
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