After that tour I felt good about hitting the road and getting back to Otown. It was a great drive, Pennsylvania was waaaay better than Virginia. Way better. Perhaps because I knew I wouldn't have to live out of a bag anymore I was pumped and let me tell you I have some pretty deadly playlists on my Ipod, just some great country that really just had me singing like it was a job. So thank you Apple for your cool little gadgets. And of course a big ole thanks to Toyota, my matt didn't stick under the accelerator and George (that's the name of my car) was an awesome ride, put a lot of miles on this week, saw a lot of different landscape and was just a trooper. Hats off (of course George had a Ricky Bobby driver :p). VISA/Mastercard yeah I am sure I will be hearing from you, jk. No thank you to the BMO who cancelled my bank card one day into my trip - long story but not my fault. So no debit card for 8 days ha. And duh huge kick out to Blackberry, my most trusted and longest companion.
Lots of family/friends would message randomly on the trip to check out things and for that thank you. Thank you for thinking of me and keeping me in your prayers. Going on this trip solo was a scary and exciting adventure and I know that my parents, siblings, cousins and friends were a worried but trusted my judgement....even if I did get a tattoo. It was scary sometimes just to know I was alone on the road and the only time I ever really felt that my personal safety was of concern was Atlanta.....and I felt that Virginians were at risk from me.
I was able to do a lot of thinking about pretty much anything for instance - I support nuclear power generation. Yep I do, I also firmly believe that moving to Ottawa was an excellent decision and I am ever strong in my belief about the future for First Nation people in Canada; I support Obamacare, I believe in God; I find that I am drifting away from a Hobbesian perspective and finally I love my family and friends deeply and am ever thankful for everyone in my life. (Also I think I may have a future as a country singer starting with the cover of Why Not Me by the Judds.)
So with that I will sign off the blogasphere for awhile. Ekosi.