Tuesday, August 17, 2010

6352 kms

that's the magic number of a 9 day roundtrip from Ottawa to Baton Rouge (I won't disclose the dollar amount as I will have to get a second job ;) ). Today I spent the morning at Gettysburg at the museum (cuz it was open). What an awesome exhibit, really well done, though they have a cyclorama (?) on site that is kinda weird. Its a 42 foot oil painting depicting the battle on July 3rd. Was odd. I did a proper tour of the battlefield and just could not comprehend how many lives were lost in that small area. Incomprehensible.

After that tour I felt good about hitting the road and getting back to Otown. It was a great drive, Pennsylvania was waaaay better than Virginia. Way better. Perhaps because I knew I wouldn't have to live out of a bag anymore I was pumped and let me tell you I have some pretty deadly playlists on my Ipod, just some great country that really just had me singing like it was a job. So thank you Apple for your cool little gadgets. And of course a big ole thanks to Toyota, my matt didn't stick under the accelerator and George (that's the name of my car) was an awesome ride, put a lot of miles on this week, saw a lot of different landscape and was just a trooper. Hats off (of course George had a Ricky Bobby driver :p). VISA/Mastercard yeah I am sure I will be hearing from you, jk. No thank you to the BMO who cancelled my bank card one day into my trip - long story but not my fault. So no debit card for 8 days ha. And duh huge kick out to Blackberry, my most trusted and longest companion.

Lots of family/friends would message randomly on the trip to check out things and for that thank you. Thank you for thinking of me and keeping me in your prayers. Going on this trip solo was a scary and exciting adventure and I know that my parents, siblings, cousins and friends were a worried but trusted my judgement....even if I did get a tattoo. It was scary sometimes just to know I was alone on the road and the only time I ever really felt that my personal safety was of concern was Atlanta.....and I felt that Virginians were at risk from me.

I was able to do a lot of thinking about pretty much anything for instance - I support nuclear power generation. Yep I do, I also firmly believe that moving to Ottawa was an excellent decision and I am ever strong in my belief about the future for First Nation people in Canada; I support Obamacare, I believe in God; I find that I am drifting away from a Hobbesian perspective and finally I love my family and friends deeply and am ever thankful for everyone in my life. (Also I think I may have a future as a country singer starting with the cover of Why Not Me by the Judds.)

So with that I will sign off the blogasphere for awhile. Ekosi.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Country Roads

aah the tail end of the trip....some technical points first. Virginia suxs. Yep you read correctly it suxs! I don't like that state I didn't like the 5+hr push to get through it, I didn't like the sad state of affairs road system or the relatively unhappy drivers. Nope not at all. So Virginia you get a big thumbs down. Perhaps Obama can push some stimulus monies over there for a third lane around the bigger centres. I will say grudgingly that the Blue Ridge Mountains are beautiful. That's it.

West Virginia, Maryland no complaints I enjoyed the less than 40 minutes (combined) I was in your states. Now to get through Pennsylvania and New York.

But before I do that I am gonna spend another hour or so in Gettysburgh. I drove like mad to get to Gettysburgh today to see the battlefields and what not - I drove through two thunderstorms, shitty traffic (see above) and arrived at 5.43 the museum closes at 6. I totally can relate to Clark Griswald, like what really? ugh. But I was able to drive around the battlefield and just take in the enormity of what took place here (even though it was a major thunderstorm with flash flood warnings). Wow this place physically represents a major turning point for America (and it closes at 6....good gravy). And you know what gets me....is there is a three lanes that you can take to get to Dollywood....three! Gettysburgh one single lane with no shoulders....uh somethings wrong with this picture.

Anyway, I walked around (yes in the rain - the thunder and lightening was done) and really am impressed by the town so I decided to stay overnight and will go to the museum at 8. I am really quite intrigued by this Civil War and moreso the Confederate perspective. Like why really they didn't want to end slavery? Really to the point of fighting and dying for it.....hmm I must learn more. Hence the museum tour in the am (I should have stopped at the Confederate sites...next time).

Another thing I am on a quest for is Grey Goose Vanilla Vodka; my brother and sister have requested it and I thought yeah sure no worries. Well what do you know I cannot find it, I have stopped in 6 states and nothing, like this is becoming a challenge and I don't like to lose a challenge. Heads up grey goose I am gonna find you.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

driving my life away

K so not a fan of big cities this trip, like Atlanta was just too big I couldn't wait to get out of there but I did stop there so I could go to the Ebenezer Baptist Church (beside the Martin Luther King historical centre) for a service. I am glad I did stay for the service it was totally awesome, I had wanted to get to the 8 am service so I could get on the road earlier but I slept in so 11 am it was. Man the dancing the singing and normally when there is a sermon I tend to tune out but the sermon today was delivered by a woman pastor and was about flipin the script.

It was a decent sermon on the being responsible for your choices and if change is needed then flip the script. I am generally not a religious person but I really enjoyed her sermon and loved loved the singing, so worth staying. Thank you Jesus.

Next stop was the Smokey Mountain National Park and man BEAUTIFUL! Just plain gorgeous. I loved the drive through the area even if it took 3 hrs it was soo worth it. Such a deep lush green; I checked out Cherokee Indian Reserve though didn't go to Harrah's Casino (me and casinos aren't really tight) but the shops with the bows and arrows and tomahawks made in china were pretty tight :p. I noted at the gas bar in Cherokee there was a sign that said Live Indian Dancing - perhaps Lafond Gas Bar should consider that to entice customers.....

I have to say Tennessee is quite a beautiful area wowser not sure what I expected but love it. I am still looking for a confederate flag though, come out come out.

Tomorrow is Gettysburg day; I guess I should brush up on the civil war........

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Atlanta - its fitting I am watching CNN. First though NEW ORLEANS ROXS. Let's just say Mardi Gras is on my radar for sure - March 8, 2011. An interesting place to say the least, I did try beniet's at Cafe Du Monde and true to the hype they were delis mmmmm so good. I was also able to try chicken gumbo mmmm and I did try the hand grenade drink which is beyond potent. Good thing it was only one. I enjoyed walking around the French Quarter and just listening to the music and the people watching that was pretty cool.

While I was pumped to drive down I am not as excited to drive back :( so I left New Orleans to hit the road in the am (knowing I am so going back for there) and drove to Biloxi on the Gulf Coast and man it was soooo sweet and beautiful. I could not see any oil but the beach was sweet. Loved it. The drive through Alabama this way was much nicer then the route down. It is such a beautiful state, at one point I was driving on a bridge that was about 15 kms over a swamp and the mist coming up was jaw dropping gorgeous. I came as far as Atlanta, I feel as though I need to have pecan pie if I am in Georgia so tomorrow that's my priority.

Tomorrow there is a church service for my late maternal grandmother and aunt on the reserve. I obviously will not be able to make it and will go to the Ebenezzer Church here in Atlanta; then hit the road again :p I am going to go through the Smoky Mountains but not stop in Dollywood I am excited to see the mtns and maybe a bear!

Pc out

Friday, August 13, 2010

Bye Baton Rouge

So I am getting ready to leave Baton Rouge to start my journey back. I should note that last night (in a completely sober state) I got a tattoo. I have been thinking about a tattoo for quite some time and I decided on Monday I would do it. I thought about my many nieces and nephews and what I want for them and what I am sure what any parent wants for their children so I choose an olive branch for my bottom right leg. I didn't hurt, which I was so scared about, it was just more uncomfortable, a good reminder of the south :p and my solo journey.

I have packed up and said goodbye to the girls. I should note that I have been staying just off campus with Taryne's teammates - 7 of them. AAh there's nothing like staying with 7 19-20 years olds to make one smile. All of the girls are from the South except for Taryne and each of them are so kind and polite, so thoughtful and so messy haha. Coming from an OCD approach to house cleaning this was a good break from my comfort box (ha Taryne told her friend Carly get out of your comfort box - hmmm or zone lol).

They are off to play their first game of the season in Austin tomorrow and left at 7.30 am but last night there was lots of giggle fits and singing before bed. Generally the girls have practice at 5 30 am and are in bed by 10 pm but last night lights didn't go out until 1 and not before there was a healthy discussion of politics, soccer and you guessed it boys. It was pretty interesting being 36 and listening to the 20 year olds talking probably about the same things 47 year olds talk about. And so it goes.

Taryne wow what a lady. I have the advantage (disadvantage?) of having watched her grow from a baby to a young adult to an independent woman. I have know Taryne forever literally, her mother (my cousin) and I started hanging out around when the girls (Deidre and Taryne and then of course Chels :p) were older but I remember the girls when they were young, thanks to Kaila :). Of course being 17 yrs older we didn't really 'hang out' but kept in touch through her parents and of all the achievements and of course the latest advent of Facebook.

So coming down here I wasn't sure what to expect, ya know. Maybe i would stay a couple days and that would be enough but that wasn't the case I really enjoyed getting to know Taryne as an adult and her insight on all kinds of things. She is extremely polite yet is not a pushover, which when one is 3500 kms from home is impressive. I appreciated her candour and her ability to laugh and most impressive was her love for the game of soccer. She would introduce me as her cousin from Canada who is really smart (I beg to differ), works in politics and lives away from home and has travelled all of the place by myself and as a result is cool (again different opinions). Thing is I find Taryne cool pursuing her dream, her love despite the distance from family and comfort. To me she displays all the attributes of a leader and coolness.

Which leads me to think about my extended family and how proud of all of them I am really all doing our thing yet keeping loosely in touch (again thank you facebook) and thankful for the events that bring us together (the latest epic event Alanis' wedding) and the smile it brings when I think of the laughter, support and love we bring each other despite some of the kookiness. So to mushoom august and kokum rose thank you.


seems my last post didn't "stick"....well here's the 411 - I spent the day on Wednesday checking out the downtown area of Baton Rouge, which isn't that big but is pretty cool but I am guessing like Ottawa empties out at night. The State Capitol is the tallest in the US; on the 27th floor there is an observation deck that allows one to see all around Baton Rouge including the Mighty Mississippi, I am deathly afraid of heights and much to the chagrin of myself and the amusement of the attendant I forced myself to go out on the observation deck. Which is not like the Empire State Building which had a mesh netting around it, rather a shoulder high bar, ugh. Thank goodness for the amazing view - pure beauty. The building was constructed in 1932 and houses the State Senate and the State Legislature. I noted and took pictures of the pictures of the State Legislators that in 1968 there were not black elected legislators but in 1972 there were four and it continued to grow from there.

I went to the "old" state capitol from there and it was exactly what I expected from an old southern building, opulent and grand. It has one of those swirl staircases in the middle which conjured up images of Gone With the Wind (though I never have watched that). There are some awesome exhibits of Louisiana politics housed in the capitol - like a lecture one can stand at and press a button and listen to old speeches from politicians. I listened to all the ones from the 60's and the importance of the black voice I wonder if a lot has changed.

Also is a exhibition on Huey Long, former governor of Louisiana who despite what one thinks of his politics made an impressionable impact on the current state of Louisiana. He was assassinated perhaps he was a southern Tommy Douglas American style? In any case I enjoyed learning about him. There was also an exhibit about a confederate girl's perspective on the Civil War, which I really need to know more about, which was quite interesting to say the least.

From there I checked out the boat casino...ha I am not entirely comfortable in casino's so to be on one that was a boat was not my thing and it was difficult as they allow smoking in the boat so that visit lasted 6 minutes :).

I found the best part of the day walking around the downtown and looking at different monuments like what's called Indian Mound, which is a mound of dirt that the Indian Chief of the area lived on until I guess the newcomers killed them? Likely. During the Civil War it was used as a shooting gallery by the north and there are still two cannons on the mound.

It was a great day and I thoroughly enjoyed my political tour of Louisiana.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tis the life

This vacationing thing I had forgotten how awesome it is.....def getting used to these stellar days of just justing. Let's start with my old best friend who I had forgotten about, the sun. Man it is sooo sweet to feel the heat when you walk out the door. Just how I imagine a dryer would feel without the tumblin. Today was only 36 out so I thought a nice walk around the lakes in the city would be nice, the lakes are surrounded by beautiful homes the standard southern type homes. I will endeavour to take pictures (very poor picture taker). I did make a wrong turn and my cousin Taryne informed me I was in the ghetto, well sweetheart I say check out the rez cux those houses weren't too bad, certainly not like the ones I saw in Nashville or Birmingham.

I did drive thru of the downtown area and def gonna go walk there on thursday and dig around. I noted there is a casino that is on a boat that goes up the Mississippi (ah the mighty mississipp) and I may check that out depending on their rules on capping bets.....i jest i jest.

Totally lovin this city though so chill and all friendly. Taryne encouraged me to try shrimp/crab cakes (even though thats reserved for Maryland - ha shout out to Wedding Crashers cuz that's how I roll) and fried green tomatoes......hmmmmmm on both counts. I also tried Cane's which is unique to the South and I gotta say that dipping sauce is the da bomb. I am gonna buy some of the spices and dips so I can get someone to cook for me.

Tomorrow Taryne and I are going to check out a plantation but not one that is know for being haunted as Taryne has flat out refused.... well maybe she can be convinced...with a little prodding. BOO

Monday, August 9, 2010

Baton Rouge

Arrived safely and soundly on Sunday evening, broke my no driving when its dark but only for 40 minutes which really for me was like 40 hours....oh well.

Firstly, its flippin hot I LOVE IT it is very reminscent of Suva City except its America so all the consumerism avenues. I went for my daily 3 km walk and I am sure by the end it I lost all hydration. ha.

Taryne, my cousin whom I am visiting, has her practices at 5.30 am until 10.30 luckily I sleep till just before she gets back ;). Today she had my try Boudin balls (no its some sort of animal testicle) and it was awesome. Its ground up sausage, rice and spice hmmmmmm, I also tried fried dill pickle and it was okay but soooo not a boudin ball. I also tried a sonic milkshake, it was da bomb. This week I will try alligator for sure.

Taryne's teammates are awesome young women from all across the south all playing for LSU soccer (FYI I do know own a lot of LSU swag and did go and see Mike the Tiger - yes a real tiger).

The adventure continues tomorrow with the sun. Yay the sun. (Okay in the background as I type is the Real Housewives of New Jersey like holy smokes what a rank show, totally inapp.)

peeps stay tuned

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Getting closer to Dixie

Holy what a fantastic drive through Kentucky just sheer beauty I totally fit in. Ohio was a bit of push and I thought okay enough of corn fields already (I wondered many times if the concept of Children of the Corn was born from there.)

Nashville is a pretty city and my first thought was to go to Opryland (please do not confuse with Oprahland). So after a couple wrong turns (one in the projects where once I saw the flag draped across the fence RIP Homeys I best turn around) I got to Opryland! AND it was closed. Ha I felt like Clark Griswald, what closed for renovations what? So no Opryland for Bons. But I did get out and check out Nashville downtown scene and there was some boot scoot boogie'ing. Good to know that Sweet Dreams can be heard in virutally ever street corner, it was like waking up on a Sunday morning on the reserve all that country music.

I am gonna look for a baptist church today and I figure if that praying can't save me nothing will :) I should hit Baton Rouge late tonight.

In other technology news, my Mac laptop is not a fan of the road trip, rather the mouse on my mac labtop and has taken on a schizophrenic personality making typing absolutely hell. Yay.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

if Heaven ain't alot like dixie

Welp Erie, PA is a good time, be sure to visit Doc Holliday's Country Bar and Grill for some live music and the best chicken wings in Pennsylvania (I will have to take their word for it but they were pretty delis). There is quite the casino here as well but no dice for me. I was a bit apprehensive to stay at the Tally-Ho (the most inexpensive hotel in Erie - no bed bug bites).

So leaving Ottawa I missed the turnoff for the 416 sooo not the best start then I am not sure I wanted to cross the border at Ogdensburgh but it was a super nice drive so really only one "wrong" turn. In any case I am quite the car singer, like look out Nashville clearly I am the next Tanya Tucker. Clearly.

Pretty pumped for the Smoky Mountains today at least I think that's what I will see, but who knows. Have a happy Saturday peeps here's to the possibility of meeting Hank Williams Jr :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Louisanna Bound

Summation since Fiji - new job, new city, new nail polish. Things changed but stayed the same as they say, anyway there have been a couple trips since the 'ji (like nyc thanks Leah, Syracuse thanks Brenda/Gina/Stephanie/Sonia, Winnipeg thanks, hmm) anyway trips but this particular trip I thought I would resurrect the ole all about me (arguably these posts will be longer then a facebook status update, also watch for those) blog.

So this time the trip I am embarking on is not an island paradise but rather big ole drive down to the deep south, who knows which way I am going, who knows where I am staying just know I am going to Baton Rouge, Louisanna (address to be determined). Periodically through the 2400 kms trek I will post some, what I expect to be, intellectually stimulating thoughts on here for all of you to reflect on (all five of my followers, stay strong homies) and add to your daily discourse. I am almost sure there will be an adventure or 7 . In any case, stay posted as I may need an assortment of needs - cash (high priority, tips on locations, survival guide of alligator attack and BP stock prices).

Good luck and goodspeed (yes I just said that to myself)