Today is Sunday in the afternoon and it today is bloody hot. Man alive, nobody is doing anything and all I want to do is find some damn water for relief.....not gonna happen. Okay enough bitchin, I am sure its gross cold at home and I will find out soon enough.
Today I went to church. Yep church. Let's back this train up a bit. While I was livin here in 2002/03 a church was being built in the neighbourhood. I was unable to go to work because of my surgery so in the morning I would go down and watch them build the church. The church was being built on Fiji time, which means whenever. When I returned in 2004 it still wasn't finished. One of the first questions I asked Ana when I got here this time was is the church finished, well lo and behold the church is up and running. So I said that I would check out church with her family. FYI this is a methodist church.
I have seen people around town go to church and the church is very important here in Fiji so I had to go and buy a proper outfit. I got the outfit (skirt and quite a nice shirt I think). Church begins at 10 and I had to go to Ana's at 9.30. I was ready, had some breakfast and tea and out the door. I was looking forward to going. I went with Ana, Mata and Reiki. Reiki sings in the choir and Sanni-biau sings in the children's choir.
Well I wanted to get some footage of the singing because its quite nice so when it was Sanni biau's singing I went to the front of the church on the side and recorded it. (When I return to Canada I will post the videos) and when it was Reiki's turn to sing I went to the back of the church and recorded.....well I was standing there Ana's son Junior came to stand with me (he is 2 years old) and he was standing between my legs and I was recording. To the right of me was the offering box on a stand, so when parishoners come in they can put their offering in the box......well you see the thing is......I was focusing on the choir and didn't notice Junior moving toward the box until the it fell over. Yeah which would have been fine if it wasn't teak wood so when the box hit the ground (and all the contents splattered all over the floor) the entire congregation turned around and there were even some that gasped, luckily for me I managed to record the whole thing.
I was so embarrassed I just wanted to hide but there was no where to hide. I looked over at Ana and she was in giggle fits and I just shook my head and smiled and continued to record. I am sure my visit to the church won't be forgotten for some time.
After church Reiki and Mata had a lovo for me. I am unable to articulate how grateful and thankful I am for their kindess and generousity. A lovo takes time and money as well as ensuing Fijian protocols are followed. Before we ate they gave thanks for me coming back and hope that I will always remember them, I was overwhelmed with emotion and just nodded. Before l leave I will somehow find the way to tell them that I have and will never forget them and they are my family.
I think today I will just continue moping around due to the heat maybe drink some grog and try get some rest. I may go to Rakiraki this week with Ana to see about her stuff (I have no idea what that means) but will know more later.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
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Wow, what a great day at Church. I wish I could have been there to see that!!