Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well coming to the end of my trip, just wrapping up things getting a few gift items for the kids and mom's at home. I look back over the past two weeks with no regret and happy that I decided, albeit spontaneously, to come back. I wish I could clearly articulate to my friends in Canada about my family and friends here in Fiji.

Siteri's laugh and honesty, Vatea's warmth and friendship, Peter's, well Peter's me but a Fijian man, lol, Ana's generosity, kindness and protection, Reiki and Mata's welcome no matter how many people are in their home they way they just embrace this crazy palangi (white person), Sanni Biau such a beautiful girl with so much potential in the future. Mom and her concern to make sure I am okay (taking down taxi numbers, phoning to make sure I am alright, Tuks and Elijah brothers I am grateful I have for their laughs and protection, Talei a new beautiful friend that has shown such strength and honesty, Putty the ultimate Fijian princess and last but never least in my mind and heart - Fips my friend my sister.

These are just words about these amazing people that cannot communicate what they mean to me. People who have shaped my life 6 years ago and continue to have a ginormous impact on how I see the world, on what's right and what's wrong.

Tonight I will have supper with the family at Mum's in Cunningham and then to Ana's for grog with Reiki and Mata. I am fully aware the next 24 hours or so will be full of laughter and tears and I will try desperately to tell everyone what they mean to me without being a blubbering idiot.

Tomorrow I will make my way to Nadi town to catch my flight to Honolulu. I have one full day in Honolulu so eeks gonna maybe try surfing and then some treks around the volocano's.

(by the way its super tough to load pics on the blog so when I get home I will add them, I apologize for the lack of visuals)

Loads of love from Bons

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