Thursday, January 29, 2009


On road from Suva to Nadi with my brother Elijah and cousin Matonga. The drive is well, wet, lmao. The taxi leaks and its downpour but Salesh the driver is a good driver makes us laugh. Has the music blasting.
The drive winds through the some of the interior (lush green fauna) and along the coast of the South Pacific Ocean) through so many villages just absolutely stunning.
Leaving Ana, Mata and Reiki was hard and I knew it would be. Man we had all on group hug and while I am happy and thankful I was able to see them. My heart is so heavy right now.
Last night mum made kokonda (raw fish marinated in coconut milk...the best dish ever) and we had a great family supper. Even though the thunder and lightning shook the house and I mean shook the house and then knocked off the power. So it was me and the 2 year old that were scared and the rest just kept on.
After eating it was grog time. While I never fully understand grog, I am right in it. Grog is the ground up root of the kava plant, so the root is crushed to a powder then the ceremony involves putting the powder in cloth and saturating with water.
You drink grog from coconut shells (low tide - little bit, high tide - full on). Kava is slightly narcoutic but certai ly doesn't make you lose your senses. Makes you tired I guess. But the thing about grog is its about socializing so last night Reiki and Mata made grog for my farewell. About 15 people came some with guitars and they sang. It was awesome just awesome. I lasted until 2 am but the grog went on until 4 am as I drifted off to sleep I could hear the songs continue. Another fantastic Fijian night.

Then reality woke up to no power no water,lol. Isa lei Fiji.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

One more thing

Its been downpour here since two nights so I am aiming to take a taxi tomorrow to Nadi but may fly out if the rain continues and impacts the road.

If I get to take a taxi I am so pumped to take pictures the drive from Pacific Harbour to Nadi is truly beautiful...paradise with the ocean on one side and the lush mountains of the interior.....

Word on the street is Peter is coming with me so if that is indeed the case I am sure there will be some intellectual discussions........luckily I am his intellectual superior :)

If I didn't write about the food, mmmmmmm, mmmmmm kokonda, so I bought a cookbook and maybe by the end of 09 I will take a shot at it.


Well coming to the end of my trip, just wrapping up things getting a few gift items for the kids and mom's at home. I look back over the past two weeks with no regret and happy that I decided, albeit spontaneously, to come back. I wish I could clearly articulate to my friends in Canada about my family and friends here in Fiji.

Siteri's laugh and honesty, Vatea's warmth and friendship, Peter's, well Peter's me but a Fijian man, lol, Ana's generosity, kindness and protection, Reiki and Mata's welcome no matter how many people are in their home they way they just embrace this crazy palangi (white person), Sanni Biau such a beautiful girl with so much potential in the future. Mom and her concern to make sure I am okay (taking down taxi numbers, phoning to make sure I am alright, Tuks and Elijah brothers I am grateful I have for their laughs and protection, Talei a new beautiful friend that has shown such strength and honesty, Putty the ultimate Fijian princess and last but never least in my mind and heart - Fips my friend my sister.

These are just words about these amazing people that cannot communicate what they mean to me. People who have shaped my life 6 years ago and continue to have a ginormous impact on how I see the world, on what's right and what's wrong.

Tonight I will have supper with the family at Mum's in Cunningham and then to Ana's for grog with Reiki and Mata. I am fully aware the next 24 hours or so will be full of laughter and tears and I will try desperately to tell everyone what they mean to me without being a blubbering idiot.

Tomorrow I will make my way to Nadi town to catch my flight to Honolulu. I have one full day in Honolulu so eeks gonna maybe try surfing and then some treks around the volocano's.

(by the way its super tough to load pics on the blog so when I get home I will add them, I apologize for the lack of visuals)

Loads of love from Bons

Monday, January 26, 2009

Oh Fiji

So quite hot still and judging from the reports from Saskatchewan not so much there. I am sucking up as much heat as possible which given the fact that i haven't been exposed to this heat for five years is not hard. Man today I was in Suva City shopping around for the kids and I said to Ana I am done its too hot. I was a sweaty mess okay still am.

Last night I started to teach my sister Fipe how to drive a standard. I didn't realize she had never driven at all so when she started to drive I was a little surprised when the car was all over the road, hahahaha. But man after one hour she is fine. I took her to Suva City and had her drive from the city to our house. It is quite a distance so good on her. Tonight we are going to practice shifting and climbing hills. I told her by Thursday I expect her to drive herself to work. lol.

I have quite a routine here, the am's I spend having tea checking out the internet, the pm's usually head to town to walk around and the nights spending it with family either drinking grog or talking. I will miss everyone very much when I leave.

While I lived here in 2002/03 there was a little girl that lived next door, Sanni Biau (SB) and at the time she was 3 now she is 9. Her and I were quite close and when I left it was hard to say goodbye to her. When I returned in 2004/05 we again were quite close. Now when I came back she said to me that she was scared I wasn't ever going to come back. She comes over and just sits with me and we laugh and joke. Today was her first day of school in grade 4. Reiki (her mom) took her to school and she ran away to her dad's work at the wharf. Ana my best friend came over and was worried and asked that I drive to the wharf to get her. We picked up SB and she was very quite as to why she missed school. Everyone was giving her hell and of course a hiding that I am sure she won't forget. I went to her later and asked if I brought her to school and picked her up it would help. She agreed. So tomorrow I will take her to school, talk to her teacher and then pick her up. I am trying to talk to her about the importance of school but i am sure she has heard from everyone. I told her if she runs away from me, she won't forget the hiding she will get from me, lol.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Today is Sunday in the afternoon and it today is bloody hot. Man alive, nobody is doing anything and all I want to do is find some damn water for relief.....not gonna happen. Okay enough bitchin, I am sure its gross cold at home and I will find out soon enough.

Today I went to church. Yep church. Let's back this train up a bit. While I was livin here in 2002/03 a church was being built in the neighbourhood. I was unable to go to work because of my surgery so in the morning I would go down and watch them build the church. The church was being built on Fiji time, which means whenever. When I returned in 2004 it still wasn't finished. One of the first questions I asked Ana when I got here this time was is the church finished, well lo and behold the church is up and running. So I said that I would check out church with her family. FYI this is a methodist church.

I have seen people around town go to church and the church is very important here in Fiji so I had to go and buy a proper outfit. I got the outfit (skirt and quite a nice shirt I think). Church begins at 10 and I had to go to Ana's at 9.30. I was ready, had some breakfast and tea and out the door. I was looking forward to going. I went with Ana, Mata and Reiki. Reiki sings in the choir and Sanni-biau sings in the children's choir.

Well I wanted to get some footage of the singing because its quite nice so when it was Sanni biau's singing I went to the front of the church on the side and recorded it. (When I return to Canada I will post the videos) and when it was Reiki's turn to sing I went to the back of the church and recorded.....well I was standing there Ana's son Junior came to stand with me (he is 2 years old) and he was standing between my legs and I was recording. To the right of me was the offering box on a stand, so when parishoners come in they can put their offering in the box......well you see the thing is......I was focusing on the choir and didn't notice Junior moving toward the box until the it fell over. Yeah which would have been fine if it wasn't teak wood so when the box hit the ground (and all the contents splattered all over the floor) the entire congregation turned around and there were even some that gasped, luckily for me I managed to record the whole thing.

I was so embarrassed I just wanted to hide but there was no where to hide. I looked over at Ana and she was in giggle fits and I just shook my head and smiled and continued to record. I am sure my visit to the church won't be forgotten for some time.

After church Reiki and Mata had a lovo for me. I am unable to articulate how grateful and thankful I am for their kindess and generousity. A lovo takes time and money as well as ensuing Fijian protocols are followed. Before we ate they gave thanks for me coming back and hope that I will always remember them, I was overwhelmed with emotion and just nodded. Before l leave I will somehow find the way to tell them that I have and will never forget them and they are my family.

I think today I will just continue moping around due to the heat maybe drink some grog and try get some rest. I may go to Rakiraki this week with Ana to see about her stuff (I have no idea what that means) but will know more later.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ricky Bobby

I did it, I drove all day today in Fiji. Okay so maybe that wasn't the brightest thing ever but its done. In Fiji the drive on the opposite side of the road so it was a test in patience and paying attention. The roundabouts were tricky and I don't think I created any trust when we realized we were driving with the trunk open for some time. hahaha. Today was supposed to be laundry day but I got lazy and didn't want to wash by hand so I took everything to the laundrymat. For 10 i got everything washed and dried (not that anything ever really drys here).

Tomorrow my friends from PCRC will be hosting a potluck and grog session and I am sooooo pumped for the discussions the laughter and maybe there will be washdown (a few friendly beers). On Saturday I may go to the interior to help the Rotary Club with some relief for those that were impacted by the floods. It is dependent on the return time. Clubs start picking up at 8 and I don't want to be late......just kidding. My sister Putty is having a supper and its imperative I am back. I haven't had the opportunity to spend much time with Putts and her children and Putts to me is the quintessential fijian princess so it is a must.

Tomorrow I will attempt to drive in town tomorrow without going the wrong way (your going the wrong way - how do they know which way we are going.....)


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fiji Gold

First let me say that fans are a beautiful invention and should be honoured as such. Yesterday the temperature I am sure was above 30. All I did was sit and sweat, occasionally I would reach down and take a swig of water and that would cause a flood from my forehead. I spent the day with my sis Talei. She is 9 months pregnant and had to go into town to prepare for the birth. I would like to point out right now that she too was sweating.

We spent the day going to air con buildings and buying the necessary items for her diapers, oil, etc. I was taken aback a little when she had to buy her own needle but then I remembered I had to buy my own toilet paper when I was in the hospital there......There are soo many new places and malls in Suva its such a different landscape now.

After which I went to my old workplace PCRC. It was very refreshing to see my ngo friends and listen to the work they are doing. I have a deep respect and admiration for their commitment. I wasn't there 5 minutes and we had a discussion about the state of the nation and of course Obama. One lady in particular, Ema, has taught me more then she knows. She is classy, smart, strong and a leader and I was so happy to see her. I was visiting Peter, one of my besties here, in his office and I had brought some chocolate and Peter, Ema and I were talking and Peter turned his head to the computer and she admonished him quickly "take your head out of that screen and have some manners" man i just laughed but made sure I paid attention to the conversation and didn't daydream.

Peter offered to have a potluck at his home on Friday in which the gang from PCRC will come and we will have countless bowls of grog and many many laughs. I am looking very forward to our get together.

Peter started working at PCRC around the same time and got along well. He is around the same age as me, though not intellectually (ya know hes reading this). As such we may have made it a tradition to share much intellectual and political discussion around a couple Fiji Gold stubbies. After knocking off work, Peter, Vatea and myself headed to O'Rielly's for one......

Oh the laughs that ensued and how are lives have changed but the friendships are still strong. today I am going to attempt to drive to Rewa (about 30 minutes) yes I am going to drive and am going to see Talei's family. We will drive to the river and then take a boat across. I think this will be an experience :) Hopefully she doesn't go into labour when driving, can you imagine.

THis weekend Peter is hosting a potluck (as mentioned), my sister Putty is having family supper on Saturday in her home and on Sunday my bestie Ana and her family are having lovo. I am truly blessed and humbled by their generousity and friendship. I am looking forward to the laughs, the hugs and THE FOOD. There is nothing like lovo cassava with miti (coconut milk) and fish.

Oh and when I had lived here, I had gotten surgery (I am sure I could have another blog on that) and after the surgery I could not go back to work or into town because of the stitches so I spent a lot of time walking around the neighbourhood. There was a church being built on the corner down the street and when I had come back in 04 it still wasn't finished. Guess what....its finished. So I have been invited as a guest to go to church on Sunday. Stay tuned.

Finally I will meet with Fiji Times paper tomorrow to discuss writing an article for their paper - something like five years....I will be careful not to note any political tension.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009


After 3 days of travelling, I am settled in to Cunningham where my family lives in Suva City.

It was a great welcome home and I so missed them dearly. After being away from 5 years one would think it had been 5 days. My family consists of Mom, Dad, sister Fipe, sister Putty, brother Tuks and brother Latia. Tuks married Talei and they have a beautiful daughter Deborah and Putty had married Ta.

When I last saw my family there was only Deborah now there is Tui and any day now hopefully tomorrow, baby Bonnie. Putty has two girls - Gloria and Renadi so gorgeous and Latia married Sarah and they are expecting a baby any day know. The family has grown which means there is more love. Dad is a soldier in Iraq but I spoke with him by phone yesterday.

Last night mom made kokonda, a Fijian speciality and Bonnie favourite. It is cubed raw fish marinated in coconut milk with onions with a side of kassava, truly the best meal I will have when I am here.

My best friend Ana lives two doors down and I did not tell her I was coming and man her face when I walked up was worth it. When I last seen Ana it was just Ana, now Ana is married and has two boys - Junior and Moses. Man there is special place in my heart for Ana she is the kindest, honest most loving friend a person can have. Her mom, Reiki, cried when she saw me and immediately started planning for lovo on Sunday. Lovo is a traditional Fijian meal that is prepared in an earth oven and the food is sooooo good. I am never able to articulate how truly thankful and grateful I am to have Ana and her family in my life. I love them so.

Ana's dad, Mata, came home from work and thanked God for my return to Fiji, his second daughter. We shared a bowl of grog and I was exhausted.

I had a good sleep even though after lying in the bed five minutes I was drenched in sweat didn't matter much because I felt at home. I fell asleep immediately but awoke to what I thought was a feast of a million bats. You see there are many bats in Fiji and I know this but I forgot how bloody loud they are. Plus they feed on breadfruit and there is a breadfruit tree outside my window. Man I was scared. I messaged my brother and he was wise. He said embrace the fear...batman did. Lol so I did I managed to get up and watch the bats knowing they eat the mosquitos, which by the way are eating me. I counted sixteen bites, lol.

I don't know that I will leave Suva City for a island anymore. I love seeing everyone and the fact that I only have 9 more days tells me it is not enough. Not enough for a white sand beach and blue green ocean. I have seen that in various countires dont need to see it here.

TOday I will go to town and visit with the gang I used to work with at PCRC. I bought a cellphone and they have been texting mad for me to come in. Talei, Deborah and Tui and I will be chillin up Suva City.

As for those of you wondering if its hot. Yes I had forgotten the oppresiveness of heat. AS I type I am sweating, just sitting and sweating. I will blog more when the opportunity arises, depends on the electricity cuts. Right now the water is shut off, so for me it will be a bucket bath with rain water, who cares as long as it is cold.

Monday, January 19, 2009


After 42 hours in 5 airports I have arrived in Nadi (pronounced Nandi) Town, Fiji Islands. I was going to fly to the east part of the island where my Fiji family lives however was exhausted and opted to get a room, cool down and get some rest.

The flight(s) were what one made of them I suppose. I was able to sleep from Saskatoon to Calgary, where I might add is not my first choice to go through American customs and sleep from Calgary to LA. As we approached LA and I could clearly see no snow and miles and miles of ocean the grin I have had has not left my face. With such a grin comes, apparently, compassion. Weird.

In LA, I had about 90 minutes to get to my connection. I did make it with about 20 minutes once I was at the gate, the United staff asked if anyone would volunteer to fly at a later time (4 hours) and as I had not really booked a place to stay I volunteered. For volunteering I received a free round trip ticket in the continental United States and was upgraded to first class for my flight to Honolulu. As if, I was all over that like white on rice.

Except.....that 4 hour later flight was delayed by 8 So I spent a lot of time walking about LA airport. I would have left except there was no notification of the delay until it was supposed to originally depart and then I only had 3. 5 hours. No worries I had a great sleep courtesy of the comfortable benches, read my book and chatted with various travellers. As well, I went to have a beer while waiting and was asked for ID I thought that was pretty spectacluar.

The first class option was nice filled with options and much concern about if I needed anything...anything. Once I arrived in Honolulu, lol, this is where the fun started. I had about 4.5 hours until I could check in to my flight Fiji. So again i didn't leave the airport and opted to sleep for a bit......well I got all cozy on the benches with my purse almost indented to my body, my luggage under my feet and begin to snooze....except it was 14 in Hawai'i and the airport is open air. So needless to say about one hour later I woke up and was freezing....lmao. So I pulled out my sarong, my beach towel and my hat and slept, er well as best as I could in the cold and sitting up while my body protected my luggage. I thoroughly welcomed that check in!

I arrived in Fiji and once the main island was in sight I was very very happy. I saw the island and remember the graciousness of the people, the wonderul landscape and all the experiences I had. What I did forget is how flippin hot it truly is. Once I got off the plane though I was reminded....QUICKLY. I was going to fly to Suva but opted to grab a room and try catch some zzz's. I was able to get a room for 45 CDN a night with transit included and fly to Suva in the am. I have phoned my family and friends here and let them know the plan and from the tone of our voices were are pretty excited to see each other.

I will do my best to update the blog as many of you know I will have some stories about how Bonz is handling Fiji life again. I am looking forward to this visit and seeing everyone, its been 5 years of emailing and phone calls which will all culminate in hugs and smiles. Truly what I have been missing.

I wish I could amlgamate the two lives, home and home 2. I know everyone would get a long and really who wouldn't love the climate and geography. Shout out, peace.